I flatten on the jointer and square an edge, then run through the planer.
Now I check the fit and set up for glueing. I have some Bessey clamps and often don't need clamp blocks. Below I have dry clamped the first two pieces I will be gluing.
I have laid the clamps out on the bench and put blocks beneath the work pieces to raise the work slightly above the clamp beam, I have a damp rag, the dry fit looks good, and I am ready to glue!
I apply a bead of glue to each surface and spread it with something convenient. I like to use a piece of formica but I couldn't quickly find one (it's getting a little cluttered here, I'll have to clean up soon) so I am using a thin piece of walnut.
I check across the width with a straight edge for any cupping. This can be caused by clamp pressure if your clamps are crooked or all on one side. Alternating the side the clamps are on can remedy the cupping
You will notice I have added some clamping cauls here for the second set of boards to help spread clamp pressure across the boards. Now it's on to other things.
It could be done by hand, or, I could use the planer. If I just run the bowed piece through the planer the planer rollers would push the bow down against the bed instead of removing the high part only. But, by putting the board on a flat base and shimming the hollow portion to keep the planer rollers from pushing the bow down I can basically use the planer as a jointer.
Here I am using a piece of plywood for the base. I ripped some thin pieces and also used some wedges to shim the high points in the middle.
I then added side and end stops with double stick tape. I measured the high point to get a starting point for the planer and I am ready to go.
Now I can glue the pieces together.
Next time Breadboard ends!