Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Mortise & Tenon Magazine

I received a copy of the inaugural issue of Mortise & Tenon magazine the other day. I had seen an ad for it and it looked interesting, the price seemed reasonable and I ordered a copy. It arrived in a sturdy mailer and to my surprise, the magazine was contained in an inner wrapping bound with cord and accompanied by a card. A very nice presentation.

As to content, well, I purchased the magazine because it was to be devoted to the exploration of furniture making in the pre industrial era and would focus on presenting historically accurate and well researched information on period furniture construction. I am not a period furniture maker but I do have a keen interest in learning about historic furniture making.

The Editors present a nicely balanced series of articles which range from interviews with conservators to articles about period woodworking techniques. I found all the material to be of interest but particularly the articles that detailed pre industrial woodworking techniques. There are lots of photographs which give you a look, not only at the exterior, but at the interior. You get to see many details which are generally hidden from view. From a technical point of view, we are still dealing with many of the same problems inherent in building with wood today and it is interesting and inspiring to see what our predecessors have done in the past.

From what I have seen in the first issue, I will look forward to the next issue, expected in January of 2017.

I'll be back to the blanket chest in a few days. I am out of the ditch and the water is draining nicely now. Thanks for taking a look. I hope you check back and see how it's going.

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